Planning Department
Planning Department
The Planning Department is responsible for all planning related activities in the City of Ruston. Key Responsibility include:
- Current Planning: Processing land-use planning permits, design review on all sign permits, and zoning review on all building permits
- Long-Range Planning: updating the comprehensive plan, developing and implementing other planning documents and collectively working with the City of Ruston's Planning and Community Development Department.
- Enforcement: Enforcing the Administration of Development Regulations, Title 19 and the Ruston's Sign Regulations, RMC 25.09.
- SEPA: The City of Ruston's Planning Director is also the City's SEPA Official, responsible for identifying and evaluating the potential adverse environmental impacts of a proposal and involving the public.
- Hearings: The Planning Department is also responsible for setting all public hearings for land-use planning permits with the Hearing Examiner
There are several projects in the City of Ruston under review by the Planning and Community Development Departments. The current projects listed here are those involving all of these departments and require extensive review. To see a list of all permits in the City of Ruston, visit the Permit Center page for information on the status and the type of permit.