City Council
Ruston's Council consists of five part-time, nonpartisan members elected at-large to serve four year terms. The Council's regular meetings occur on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Mary Joyce Community Center at 5219 Shirley Street.
Citizen Participation
Citizens are welcome to attend all Town Council meetings. The agenda and full meeting packet for regular meetings are posted on the Town's website prior to the meeting. Agendas are also available at the meeting.
Citizen Comment
Regular meetings: Citizen Comment periods are held during all regular town council meetings, usually near the beginning of the meeting. Each citizen is allowed three minutes to speak to the Council.
Council Work sessions: The Mayor will allow citizens to comment on the topics of a council work session at the end of the work study session meeting. Citizens will have two minutes to speak to the Council on work session agenda items.